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  • Jackson Wise

Inflation and Insurance

Is your company juicing you for money? Probably not. You're not that special

Is your company juicing you for money? Probably not. You're not that special

Insurance rates are going up across the board...And more than general inflation rates.


Inflations is raising most things by about 7.5% just in general, so you should see this in all purchases.

But Insurance deals with industries that are being disproportionately hurt by inflation.

More specifically: the car industry and the housing market.

Think of all the things we're hearing everywhere.

Semiconductor chip shortages!

Low vehicle inventory!

Used cars are wicked expensive!

Worker shortages!

Lumber being at record highs!

And when you need a car part replaced, home to be fixed, or a totally new car Insurance is the one on the hook for that.

So no wonder Insurance is getting more expensive.

What should you do about it?

  • Avoid claims by driving safe and protecting your home

  • Save money elsewhere! insurance is a necessity…avocado toast is not

  • Go to an independent agent to see if they can find savings at another company

If you're looking for more ways to save money, there's a great resource called There are tons of great articles all about insurance there!

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